[ noun soh-jur-ner ]
A traveler, wanderer
or someone on a journey.
The Compass
Wander through the tapestry of life,
in ways guided by an unseen hand and
propelled by the choices we make,
such as if we'd prefer lattes or pour overs.
Discover our
house blends'
that are originally bold and balanced
Introducing our
single origins'
your taste passport to the uncharted.
The weaving of
science and craft
Delicately Roasted
We roast our beans weekly
using the Loring Smart Roast.
Powered by a smokeless roasting
feat, this gives us 80% fuel savings
and reduced greenhouse gases in
every roast compared to conventional
roasters — an ethical practice we stay
committed to.
We then rest our beans to help it
settle into their newfound complexity
which enriches the eventual brew
with depth and character.
The artistry behind
Modbar & Pour Over
We honour the past and embrace
the future by harmonising state-of-
the-art espresso machines with
traditional pour-over method.
The elegance of Modbar brings
consistency and precision; while
the ritualistic approach of pour-
over brewing is an ode to coffee's
heritage and craft.
Nature's Nurture
Our beans are sourced responsibly
to ensure the coffee communities
thrive ethically and sustainably.
Every sip is a tribute to the
journey of the soul, offering kindle
moments of respite and reflection
in the midst of life's adventures.
Sojourn here for a tasting.
Be heard. Journal your thoughts.
A haven where stories are brewed,
shared and savoured with every sip of coffee or tea.
See you soon, Sojourner.
Sojourner Coffee Co
Royal Group Building
3 Phillip Street #01-02
Singapore 048693
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Copyright © 2024 Sojournercoffeeco
Copyright © 2024 Sojournercoffeeco